1. Try to fill in the blanks using the appropriate conjunction. Use commas if necessary.

. My dad _______ I are going fishing this afternoon.
. The old man doesn’t have much money _____ he always seems to have nice things.
. Either we are going to win ______ they are going to win.
. I don’t have much time _____ hurry up!
. He wasn’t a popular king _____ all of his country men hated him.
. I want to get there early ____ we should leave soon.
. It doesn’t matter whether they get the job ___ not.
. We don’t like red ____ do I like blue.
. I ran after the cat _____ could not catch her.
. We played very well ____ we still lost the game.

She is noble ____________ kind too.
. We eat __________ we remain healthy.

. Raja is poor _____________ he is honest.
. The sun rose_____________ the fog disappeared.
.  _________ she saw the tiger, she shouted.

. Work hard_____________ you will fail.
. Thomas worked very hard_____________ he didn’t stand first.
. She must cry ______ she will die.
. He_____________ his brother is coming.
. The box was heavy_____________ he could not lift it
. He has been ill ______ he reached Chennai.

He is  ________ helpful ________ social.
. ____________ he is fat____________ he was fast.
. She is____________ weak____________ she cannot walk.
. He will reach here____________ on Sunday_____________ on Monday.
. I do not care _______ you finish this task ______ not.
. ________ had he entered the room, _____ the door bell rang.

  1. Combine the following sentences with appropriate conjunctions:

    . Our team played well. They lost the match.
    . You cannot pass. Only if you work hard. 
    . The police arrived. The crowd dispersed.
    . Mother is at home. Father is at home.
    . He has fever. He cannot go to school.
    . Sonia is slim. Her sister is equally slim.
    . Ramesh may be in the house. He may be in the garden.